Beautiful celebs and girls showing their mouths, teeth, fillings, throats, tongues and all oral related! Dental images, dental cases.

   Main pageJoin and get access to the biggest dental and all oral related database available on the web!Access the gallery with more than 6000 UHQ pics and growing everyday!Access the forum and interact with other members to chat and share content, thousands of pics and videos available on the forum too!Take a look at the exclusive content area and get your favorite sets, the hottest models showing you her teeth, fillings, dentalwork and getting treatments!Links of interestQuestions? Suggestions? Contact us!




Our new model: Erika - A Fitness Pro Model. You can't lose this new set, and the chance to help her with her treatments And get future updates of this set for FREE!. She has 2 metal crowns one upper and one lower and many carious teeth. She has 4 molars on lower side, yes 4! one extra molar instead of the second premolar, she also has her 4 wisdom tooth and still has a lot of space on front teeth. She wants to get a new and healty smile and get these spaces closed and a cavity free smile. ¿Can we help her out? All money obtained for the sales of this set will be used to cover the costs of materials for her treatments!

This exclusive set includes:

-67 UHQ Pictures where she gets a dental exam. She shows her mouth, teeth, crowns from each angle,

-Model Pics


-Video of examination (3:36 min duration).


 The cost of this set is: 12 Dollars

Clic the button to buy it:

NOTE: We care about your privacy, so once you make your payment, please send an email to s.with your data of payment, email address used and you will get your access as soon as possible. Thanks.


All pics and vids are property of, please don't post or share without permission. ®